Custom design codes, for your mobile marketing: Contact the designer, at

QR-Codes win mostly

QR-Codes win, mostly.
Align Centre


Weinwerbung .Tel

Weinwerbung .Tel
Das Auge trinkt mit Wer Wein kauft, lässt sich von seinen Sinnen lenken. Aber überraschend viele Kaufentscheidungen hängen nicht vom Geschmack und vom Duft, sondern von der Optik ab.

Triest Transport


Great concept of campaign with QR code and iPhone application.

What's your Dot Tel QR-Code?

Dot Tel: You don’t have to be a geek to make it work.

Montag, 2. November 2009

Working efficient with "Contact Us" pages. Constellation 4/4/4 or 1/4/4, respectively, 1/Multi.

Working efficient with "Contact Us" pages:
Constellation within a group of domains: 4/4/4 or 1/4/4, respectively, 1/Multi:

If you have a group constellation "1/4/4", or "1/Multi", you can boost your business even more, than if you just would use a .tel to boost:
The TCU's make your constellation interactive. And each domain interacts in a variation of differnt ways. The more interactivety you can "build in"/create, the greater your chances are, to be found within a search engine (Google, for example). The end effect is, that your page rank goes up, as well as the daily page views, for each of your domains. You are simply doing things very smart...
Read more:

The following blog might interest you, as well:
Telmanager: Managing a domain portfolio by using multiple virtual desktops:

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