Custom design codes, for your mobile marketing: Contact the designer, at

QR-Codes win mostly

QR-Codes win, mostly.
Align Centre


Weinwerbung .Tel

Weinwerbung .Tel
Das Auge trinkt mit Wer Wein kauft, lässt sich von seinen Sinnen lenken. Aber überraschend viele Kaufentscheidungen hängen nicht vom Geschmack und vom Duft, sondern von der Optik ab.

Triest Transport


Great concept of campaign with QR code and iPhone application.

What's your Dot Tel QR-Code?

Dot Tel: You don’t have to be a geek to make it work.

Sonntag, 8. März 2009

Wind Energy

Wind power is the fastest growing sector of renewable energy sources worldwide. Residential sized wind turbines (typically 50 kw or less) can be installed free standing in a wide range of sizes and outputs. Wind power will supply your residence with reliable, zero-emission electricity that can be fed back into the grid, stored in batteries or both. Due to the dynamic nature of wind we deal with each site on a case to case basis in order to deliver you the best product while maximizing your wind power potential.

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