Custom design codes, for your mobile marketing: Contact the designer, at

QR-Codes win mostly

QR-Codes win, mostly.
Align Centre


Weinwerbung .Tel

Weinwerbung .Tel
Das Auge trinkt mit Wer Wein kauft, lässt sich von seinen Sinnen lenken. Aber überraschend viele Kaufentscheidungen hängen nicht vom Geschmack und vom Duft, sondern von der Optik ab.

Triest Transport


Great concept of campaign with QR code and iPhone application.

What's your Dot Tel QR-Code?

Dot Tel: You don’t have to be a geek to make it work.

Samstag, 29. Mai 2010

BHUTAN: The Journey Within

Glücklich ist der Mensch, der ...

... mit einem Laptop arbeitet.

... Zuhause arbeitet.

... in der Nacht arbeitet und um 3 Uhr, oder später. schlafen geht.

... in einem Bett der Marke "Dux" schläft.

... der erkennt, wie intelligent er ist, und wie wenig intelligent Andere sind, und seine Intelligenz besonnen und klug einsetzt, zum eigenen Wohle, aber auch zum Wohle der sozial schwachen, der Armen und Benachteiligten.

... der fähig und willig ist, bedingungslose Liebe und Hilfe zu geben.

... der täglich mindestens eine gute Tat vollbringt.

... der  es wagt, die Finanzindustry in Frage zu stellen, und bestimmt fordert, es zu regulieren und zu reformieren.

... der sich auf der ganzen Welt eine humane und intelligente Polizei wünscht, so wie es die Stadt Genf hat, und für die Schweiz beispielhaft ist. (Hier darf man ruhig einmal eine Polizei loben, wenn sie es redlich verdient.) Ansonsten, bin ich kein Freund der Polizei, wohlverstanden. Bin aber bereit, mich mit ihr zu arrangieren.

... der Gesetze liest, für seine eigene Rechtsbelehrung, und die der Anderen.

... der sich für einen humanen und besseren Staat engagiert, der nicht nur in der Lage ist, auf Probleme zu reagieren, sondern auch Problemen vorzubeugen.

... der sich Gedanken über die Schwächen der Gesellschaft macht, um nicht eines ihrer Opfer zu werden, denn das Volk kann auch grausam und herzlos sein. Und nur die Nächstenliebe predigen, aber nicht leben.

... der die Natur und das Leben unabhängig von der Gesellschaft und den Industrien betrachten kann. Denn die Natur ist quasi zeitlos, im Verhältnis der Dauer eines Menschenlebens.

... der sich mit Kriegsgeschichte befasst, um nicht nur  wehrfähig zu sein, sondern um Kriege zu verhindern. Kaufe oder liefere keine Waffen. 

... der erkennt, dass die Familie wichtig ist, und förderungswert ist, und die Kultur fördert.

... der erkennt, das gute und sinnvolle Organisation quasi alle Problem lösen kann.

... der vor Allem sich selber liebt.

... der unsere Bildungsinstitutionen in Frage stellt, und dich fragt, was, und ob wir das Richtig lernen.

... der erkennt, dass die Schulen und Universitäten nicht heilig sind, und es unterlassen, uns ganz lebenswichtige Dinge beizubringen, welche uns lebens- und sozialfähig machen.

... der sich selbst bleiben kann, und mit Wenig glücklich sein, und den Tag geniessen kann.

... der sich für die "Grüne Revolution" stark macht, und saubere Technik und erneuerbare Energien fördert. Und darum schlicht ein moderner Mensch ist.

... der von Kindern lernen kann. Denn Kinder wissen es oft besser als Erwachsene.

... der Diensteleistungen und Güter auch tauschen kann, anstatt zu kaufen und zu bezahlen.

... der seinen gesunden Menschenverstand einsetzen kann, und in einer hitzigen Lage fähig ist, eine kurze Pause einzuschalten, und besonnen zu handeln.

... der bemüht ist, Frieden und Liebe zu geben, und zu erhalten. Und wenn der (sein) Staat einmal nach Krieg rufen sollte, sollte er nicht hingehen. "Stell dir vor, es ist Krieg, und Keiner geht hin..."

... der erkennt, dass wir weit davon entfernt sind, eine moderne und fortschrittliche Gesellschaft zu sein. Und dass wir laufend Rückschritte machen, anstatt grosse Fortschritte zu ermöglichen. Schuld am Stillstand, ist vor allem unser Finanzsystem, sprich, das monitäre System, dass uns am Heiligsten ist, und in das wir viel zu viel Vertrauen hineinlegen. 

... Etc.


Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2010

Symsource releases its first Android application, for award-winning .tel names

Symsource Limited, the mobile engineering experts behind some of today’s most widely used applications, has announced the release of the application running on the Android platform.

Developed on behalf of Telnic Limited ( - which created the award-winning communications-focused .tel names - Symsource’s for Android management app allows users to manage their .tel contact information in real time. The application developed by Symsource supports Android OS 1.5 and is oriented to popular devices from HTC and other providers.

Gareth Jehu, Director of Operations at Telnic, commented: “Telnic has been impressed by Symsource's professional approach to product development, competitive pricing and their ability to meet our expectations within tight cost and quality constraints. These attributes have enabled us to move quickly and launch the .tel client into the Android marketplace at a time when market share for the Android operating platform is gaining rapid momentum."

Omid Rezvani, CEO of Symsource (, said: “We are delighted to be part of the .tel names ecosystem. The management application we have developed gives Android users the power to manage their instant mobile presence, enabling contacts to find them as soon as contact information, location and keywords have been published. Our app allows users to benefit from Telnic’s innovative technology, which reduces the cost of downloading data from the mobile web and significantly increases the speed of accessing real-time information. This is critical for smart phone users.”



Sonntag, 16. Mai 2010

Dot Tel Sale 2010

Alexander Schiesser

Prices in Euros.

First come, first serve. 160 160 160 160 160 80 160 80 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 260 180 180 180 180 180 160 180 260 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 260 260 260 260 260 160 260 160 260 180 180 180 260 360 240 240 240 240

Donnerstag, 13. Mai 2010

The Telnic Management

Hunt for the ugly duckling

Telnic trying to replicate their earlier success (Love Train)

Hunt for the ugly duckling

Telnic forum thread (most posts had been deleted after):

05-13-2010, 11:22 AM


.tel Treasure Hunt

Hi all,

Tomorrow at 12pm BST we're starting the exciting .tel treasure hunt. For your convenience, I'll post useful links here:

* - the main resource & starting point
* - official rules of the competition, please read
* - banners to promote the competition
* - press release with the announcement

Let the fun begin!


05-13-2010, 11:57 AM

This will keep the minds of .Tel users occupied and distracted, rather than that they will be able to be worried about the real worries and problems about .Tel.

What happens if the registry can't fullfill the promised time stipulated for releasing the template selection: Don't worrie, be happy and play the ".tel treasure hunt". That's what you usually do with small children, to let them forget about the existing problems and worries, and let them be in a "other world" of play and fantasy.


05-13-2010, 12:09 PM


Thank you for your comment. Please remember that this is a brand awareness and educational campaign for .tel domains and TelPages targeted at internet users in general, not exclusively at .tel owners. This is why we've shared banners and PR so that active .tel owners can help spread the word and increase the value and popularity of .tel domains.
If the competition doesn't sound appealing to you, you can continue focusing on securing your portfolio, developing your domains and sales efforts.



05-13-2010, 12:44 PM

Yes, but:
"help spread the word and increase the value and popularity of .tel domains" will make more sense, if there is a decent telproxy to show ("off" with).

At this stage, and mainly because telproxy is not very appealing to look at, many potential companies are not very interested, or not (yet) interested in .Tel.

So, this promo effort, comes too early, wheras the efforts to make .Tel look nicer, are very late.

It is not so smart to try to promote a ugly duckling, when it would be easyer to promote a white swan.

Put your efforts and energy into bringing out the .Tel template selection. "Treasure hunt" is another thing, done at the wrong time. Same as the new telproxy came out too late, just before renewal time, putting loads of people off, if only left "gray in gray", and not used to add a nice logo, and a tasteful colour scheme. The new .Tel look was quasi a anti-promotion, as the look needs a lot more refinement options.




You have received an infraction at .tel Community Forum
Dear mactel,

You have received an infraction at .tel Community Forum.

Reason: Flaming

You've received an infraction for inflammatory posts in the treasure hunt thread, now deleted. Please consider focusing on productive input in future. Further rude postings will result in more administrative actions.

Kind regards,
Forum administration

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

All the best,
.tel Community Forum
Nadya Morozova
Forward Message



Forum Message

You have been banned for the following reason:
No reason was specified.

Date the ban will be lifted: Never


Samstag, 8. Mai 2010

Why .tel? - Why .tel? from Domainvestor on Vimeo.

In this video I discuss the reasons why I think .tel domains could be a good investment. While .tel may never be successful in the Domaining world, I have reason to believe this will be a success in the business world.

.tel is the first time I have seen Domainers close their mind to a new idea so quickly. I think the reason for this is simple – .tel is not a TLD for Domainers. We are oftentimes afraid of what we do not know, or what we do not understand. Look at Alexander Graham Bell – when he first invented the telephone many people were terrified of the new device. It is easy to be afraid of what we do not understand, but closing your mind might only cause you miss-out on an incredible opportunity.

I share some great quotes from a recent post by Kevin Jackson of

Along with my own thoughts on .tel I have included an on-screen demo of how to configure your .tel domain as well as an example of a strong application for .tel –


Samstag, 1. Mai 2010

Updates about Telnic, the .Tel registry

Aled Williams has become Customer Service Manager, at, from 01. May 2010.
For that occasion, he has improved the look of his online business card, and removed the ugly photograph: In the past time, Aled Williams had been one of the Telnic community forum moderators. And only in the recent past, had rigorously been deleting forum posts, as well as limiting freedom of speech, and censuring forum posts, which expressed themself critical towards the Telnic management. He had also enabled a poll against a forum member, to eventually permanentely bann him, but which had been deleted/removed by Aled's overhead, at that time, due to been affraid of serious damage of the Telnic reputation. The athmosphere within the forum has got worse, and fear of beeing banned, censured, or having posts deleted, has significally reduced the number of forum visitors and contributors.

Justin Hayward, the Telnic communications director, who has made a few unsuccessful attempts to educate the potential users about .Tel, has been blogging for quite a while:
His blog at :,
gives some interesting information, about the „inlife“ of the Telnic registry.
Blog quotes from Juli/August 2008:
"I'm now working as a Communications Director for a company that, at its heart, is all about connecting people using technology in an innovative way. Much of my professional life has been about connecting people together. I've been chatting to bloggers and commentators behind the scenes. We've been signing up registrars like there's no tomorrow. We've been busy writing marketing materials for IP lawyers and brand protection specialists. We're not doing badly on unique visitors to the website either - - given the fact that we're not in consumer awareness and education as yet. It's still hard to get people to understand that the .tel bypasses the need for designing websites. I think I'm in the right place. I think we're at the right time. I'm thinking this could be a very interesting tool (I hesitate to say technology because they have hidden the complexity of it so it becomes a service - again, cool). I'm hoping that I can do it justice and that the early adopter community will embrace it."