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Weinwerbung .Tel

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Samstag, 29. August 2009

New Functions For Your .Tel Domain Administration

1.) Private contact information:

You now have the possibility to mark your private data within your subdomins as private.
Up and till now, one was only able to do this on the interface of the main .tel domain.

You are now able to structure a .tel domain for your whole familiy.

To see a example, go to:

The advantage of this is, that one can define for a each member of the family his own

Every family member will therefor have his private data in one of these subdomains:

Usually, there are personal mobile phone numbers, email addresses and chat contact information, that one does not necessarily want to show to the public.

However, with this new system, one is able to structure private contact information in a new way, and more clearly arranged, respectively, more clearly laid out.

2.) A better way to manage your data:

For managing your data on the web interface, there are a few new useful extensions:

For example, you can copy or move data from one folder in a othe folder, more easily.

To do this, you simply select your data via the check-box.

Then you select a function via the selection "actions".

When you copy or move the data, you will receive a list of the domains, from which your are able to choose/select from.

Furthermore, you are able to write new contact information direct in the existing profiles.

You can switch to this option within the specific dialog.

3.) Keywords administraton: More keyword space:

You are now able to add keywords up to 2000 charactes within one window.

(You won't have to split/devide the text anymore, into various windows, and the text won't get mixed up anymore...)

4.) Locaton data:

If you go with your mouse or cursor over your location listing, the coordinates of your
location will be displayed in a small pop up box.


I bet a lot of telsters have been waiting for these changements and extension to come:
Privat useres now have better options, to use the .tel domain.

For the original text of this article in German, please go to:
Or simply click on the title of this article (link).


Release v74 of the Community TelHosting software will be deployed to the live environment on Wednesday 19th August 2009 at 06:00 UTC.

This release sees the introduction of privacy at all domain levels (i.e., whereas it was only possible to have private data in it will now be possible to add to, etc. - full details are available within the updated user guide) as well as the additional improvements listed below:

- Free text keyword maximum length increased from 255 to 2,000 characters

- Optimized CTH processing for large domains such that the text header loads in a timely fashion

- Optimization of the storeRecord SOAP command to avoid slow down with larger domains

- Move to / Copy to dialogs - Additional logic added to initially only show folders from the current domain. This increases performance for large portfolios

- Full front end support for “global” profiles

- Minor multi-lingual inconsistencies corrected

- Support for carriage returns within Keywords

- Disable phone number validation checking added to the SMS contact type

- Removal of front end warning when user’s browser language is not supported

Thank you, for your kind attention.

Alexander Schiesser

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