Custom design codes, for your mobile marketing: Contact the designer, at

QR-Codes win mostly

QR-Codes win, mostly.
Align Centre


Weinwerbung .Tel

Weinwerbung .Tel
Das Auge trinkt mit Wer Wein kauft, lässt sich von seinen Sinnen lenken. Aber überraschend viele Kaufentscheidungen hängen nicht vom Geschmack und vom Duft, sondern von der Optik ab.

Triest Transport


Great concept of campaign with QR code and iPhone application.

What's your Dot Tel QR-Code?

Dot Tel: You don’t have to be a geek to make it work.

Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2009

Das heitzt ja ganz schön ein... Elle s'échauffe... L'échauffement

Click on the title above, to learn and

Wenn das Leben bedroht ist

Kurz, ist so vieles:
Der Tag, die Nacht, das Leben, die Freude, der Genuss, die schöne Erinnerung, die freie Zeit.

Lang ist so vieles:
Der Krieg, der Streit, die Dummheit, das Dummsein, die Würdelosigkeit, der Hass, die Zerstörung, der Tod, das Leid, das Elend, die Schadenfreude, das Töten, das schlechte Gewissen, die Hässlichkeit, die Finsternis, die Wüste, der Schmerz, die Uneinsichtigkeit, die Dickköpfigkeit, die Sturheit, die Härte, der Selbstbetrug, das Morden, das Bluten, das Sterben und vieles mehr.

Es lebe der Krieg, wenn das Leben bedroht ist!

The lovely "Love Train" video...

Probably the most interesting thing, about domain extensions, are the activities of the supporting communities of the domain extensions.
It basically does not matter, how your domain extension looks like, for it to be successful:
What depends and matters, is how it is promoted.
Follow the history of .com, and you will understand, how and why it got strong and popular.
You can follow the history of promotion and forum-support of any domain extension, and you might be able to discover parallels of smart endeavours, time (-line) and success. (Only love, provided by a fan community, is not enough, to make a domain extension succesfull. See .mobi, for example. It is viable, respectively still alive, because of the love it gets, but to be able to be sucessful, it will need some more support, by the powerful companies, that are supposed to be backing it up. And so, same with .tel...)
Basically, it is always common sense, that saves you, a project, or anything in progress that happen to be in a awkward situation.

What counts, are costly and smart pomoting, time and common sense, that must always be used.
The non usage of common sense and brains, it the death to anything.
The non usage of money, won't help promote, because promoting costs.
The cultivation of plein stupidity may be bad, in times, may be good in other times, because people are sometimes stupid, and trained by media and advertising, not to think, but only to consume, what is offered. The language of stupidity is a language, mankind has learned over the years, and understands. Whatever way you are able to make your self understood: You can earn money, if people understand, what you are selling.

The mixture, of intelligence, stupidity, sex, common sense, etc., is what sells.
Try to sell a perfect and usefull product, only by explaining how it functions, and for it is good: Consumers are not used, only to get dry facts served. They are spoiled, and used to get a daily dosis of adverts, that contain sex, crazyness, stunning effects, etc., and where they do not have to think, but only consume.

And now, here you are with the dot tel domain, in our world today: How are you going to sell it?
The „Love Train“ was popular, because it is funny and sexy, and only explained a minimum of the technology, idea, and features about .tel.
If you will, the „Love Train“ is a promotion video for dummies, that just want a good lough, and some sexual stimulation. Well, the „Love Train“ did the trick, and worked for a short while, and only for a few.
But who are the consumers of .tel?...: All sorts of people and groups. Speak to them (and about their needs and dreams) individually. Make ten completly different videos, addressed to ten different groups of consumers...
Here is the code for implementing the (premium qualitiy version of the) video within your blog (however, it is still a stunner and a eye catcher, and nevertheless, a lot of fun):
(Just copy and paste...):


Sonntag, 27. Dezember 2009

Genf, der Luxus und die Nächstenliebe

Als Schweizer erlaube ich mir zu bemerken, dass Genf nicht wirklich viel mit der deutschsprachigen und italienischsprachigen Schweiz zu tun hat: Genf ist vielmehr wie ein Teil von Frankreich, wobei es aber eine bessere Lebensqualität anbietet, als die französische, oder schweizerische.
Genf profitiert quasi vom Besten, dass beide Welten anzubieten haben. Und vereint die beste französiche und schweizer Lebensqualität.
Genf ist ein Sonderstaat, etwa wie Monaco. Und zieht die Luxuswelt an.
Und gleichzeitig predit es die Nächstenliebe. Und machmal gibt es sie wirlich, in Genf: Die Nächstenliebe. Blos, ist Alles sehr kommerzialisiert, und auch in Genf regiert die Korruption, welche sogar von der UNO ausgeht. - Oder in welchen heilen Welt leben denn Sie, wenn Sie Anderes behaupten möchten?

Freitag, 25. Dezember 2009

Die Dot Tel Domain Und Die Zukunft

Man darf eine .Tel Domain nicht nach heutigen Massstäben beurteilen, sondern nach dem, was sie den Menschen für die Zukunft bringt.
--Alexander Schiesser, Domain Portfolio-Manager.

Sonntag, 20. Dezember 2009

The Big New Year Nourish!

Have you been setting New Year's resolutions of denial, deprivation and detox for the last 10 years? Time to do it differently in 2009.

It's not very often you hear a life coach say this but what would it be like if you just gave up this year? Gave up 'trying' to change the things that you have tried to change forever? Motivation, pushing ourselves can often work in the short term but long-term we can fall back into our old habits and into that pit of self-loathing. Come on, admit it, when have you ever stuck to a New Year's Resolution? This year, let's try a new strategy.

It's that old adage, if you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always got. So what if you gave yourself permission to give up all the dieting/deprivation and denial and try something new instead? Often our bad habits are in place for a reason – they have an unconscious pay-off – our half a bottle of wine a night may soothe our anxiety, our over-eating gives us comfort, our smoking gives us a 'smoke screen' to hide behind. Unless we tackle the core of the issue versus the symptom, we'll just keep on repeating on the same old binge-denial cycle.

So what would it be like to put your focus and energy on the word 'nourishment' this New Year? How can you nourish yourself in 2009? From ditching the rice cakes and eating only things that taste great (but don't make you feel guilty) to creating your own home-spa, make a commitment to ONLY doing things that delight you. Banish all shoulds, oughts or musts. Apply delicious lotions and potions, play soothing music, eat cake in the bath, indulge. Ask yourself – if I could improve my wellbeing by nourishing my mind, body and soul – how would I do that?

Once you've started on nourishing your internal life, next start looking at your external life - look at your environment. "Our environments play a huge part in whether we can sustain healthy habits," says Martha Beck, a regular on Oprah and author of The Four Day Win (Piatkus, £10.99) and my favourite life coach. Beck cites a study on addiction that found rats which were kept in cages soon became addicted to morphine-laced water but those who were kept in a 'rat park' – where they were allowed to roam free – actively avoided it. Researchers concluded that the more freedom we feel we have, the less we turn to external sources to soothe our anxiety.

So try this exercise - list the three people, places, activities, situations that make you feel 'trapped, and ask yourself – what do they all have in common? Then make a list of all the people, places, activities, situations that make you feel calm and peaceful. Then ask – what do they all have in common? In four-day chunks, eliminate or transform the elements from list one and start to increase contact with all the things and people on list two. This enables you to 'remove much of the frustration that made painkilling of bad habits necessary', says Beck. These strategies are all about making you feel good. When you feel good, you don't have to prop yourself up with caffeine, alcohol, cake and cigarettes. This New Year, make only one resolution – create a 'feel-good' regime that is about nurturing yourself from the inside out. And I guarantee 2009 will be your best year yet.
Be Your Own Life Coach: 3 Steps to a Lovely Life in 2009 Change your life with these simple exercises.

1. Enjoy yourself – stop suffering and identify what you like/what pleases you/what inspires you/what you love. Rip up your to-do list of shoulds/oughts and ask yourself - if you weren't people pleasing/had a list of must do/ought tos, what would you do with your time? Write a list of 10 things you just love to do with a spare hour/a spare afternoon/a weekend/a week. What would you have to do right now to book out a free hour today (or this week, if you're struggling)? Now do it.

2. Lower your standards and raise the quality of your life by resigning yourself to the fact that you're not perfect and no one else is either. There is nothing wrong with you. And you don't need to be fixed. And neither does anyone else. We're all doing the best we can with the backgrounds/parenting etc we have come from. Repeat after me: I'm not perfect and no one else is either. Just do the best you can in the mood you're in.

3. Answer the following:
• If you didn't have to prove that you were good enough today – how could you cut yourself some slack? Be specific.
• What are you naturally good at – how can you do one effortless thing today?
• If you were brave, what projects could you let go of? What phone call do you have to make to make that a reality in the next 48 hours?

Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2009

Personal thoughts about Geneva

In a nut shell.
I am not keen on the presence of American companies and American controlled organisations in Geneva, because most of them are involved in (covered) crime and corruption (Uno/pharma-biz, Caterpillar/war crime). Geneva has a split personality, because it preachers charity, and practices luxury business for the rich. Nevertheless, in the whole, Geneva is in my opinon today a role model city. Example: Politicians and Policemen make a very good impession. Quality of live is very high, and most people are very intelligent and likable.
Further more there is a higly interesting and well organised aternative and social sceene/community, offering good free meals, shelter, social programs, and so on, for the penyless and homeless.
You can follow Geneva daily, on Internet tv, at "Leman Bleu", watching tv, it is nearly like been there.
In Summer, Parc des Nations is nice, to sit in a open air cafe. You can get free Wi-Fi in nearly all public places. There is also a free or cheap Wi-Fi solution for surfing at home. If you know, where to shop, eat and stay, you can even survive and enjoy, with a small budget.
Geneva is best to enjoy and to move around, by bike. Free bike rental for four hours, in Summer. Cheap bike rental the whole year around, behind of the central train station. In Geneva, you get the best of all worlds. You never get the feeling, you might be missing something, because live and action, beauty and erotic, eye candy, etc., is all here, right at your feet.
Despite all the nervous traffic, you always get a fresh brise of air from the lake, and air is good and fresh, and makes you feel good.

Freitag, 11. Dezember 2009

Montag, 7. Dezember 2009

About smartbooks, dot tel and dot mobi

Using smartbooks next year, will have direct and positive consequences for the dot tel domain, as well as for the dot mobi domain. Because:

1.) Smartphones will be replaced by smartbooks (smart mini laptops). And which basically will give a nicer experience using dot tel, because of the bigger screen, as well as the icons displayed.

2.) Some users will prefere to use a dot mobi domain name, instead of a other domain extension, to view a website.
I therefore conclude, that basically this means, that dot tel and dot mobi will be more used, for those reasons.

Sonntag, 6. Dezember 2009 - Find your favorite comics online is for sale, for Euro 3200.

Sales manager: Alexander Schiesser.

If you would compare what the registry of the dot tel domain has done for its domain and community within the first year, and what other registries have done in their first year since the launch of their domain extension, than you might be able to conclude and see, that this is simply outstanding and extraordinary. And no other registry and community has made so much effort before, to develope and market its domain within the first year since launch.

I guess that marketing of a mobile domain, has to be done in a similar way a for example as it was done for the iPhone.

.Tel should look upon dot mobi (.mobi), as its brother, because, as far as I know, it is the only other mobile domain that exists. If you will, it is also early days for dot mobi. Wheras dot mobi offers nothing else, than its domain extension „.mobi“ (but which might be very fine, too), the dot tel domain does not only offer its domain extension „.tel“, but also a practical and useful interface, where you not need to have a website, or any hosting, which means, also, that you save money on webspace and the cost for hosting.

We got to learn from our "brother" (.mobi), about the good and the bad, about the pros and cons.
Despite all the negaive talk and the naysayers: Dot mobi is still there, alive, has a demand for it, and gets sometimes some very nice prices at auctions.

Furthermore: Same as with .tel, there are a lot of people who don't get, what .mobi is about, and why a registry had lauched it, and why it has a lot of companies that are backening it financially.
For many things, .mobi won't be able to be of much use, but in some other situations, it is the perfect solution.

Neither .mobi, nor .tel is probably the „one size fits all solution“. But it might fit, for you, or for him, or her. Just tell them about it, and why it might fit and suit them.

Personally, it think, you either have a love affaire with a name or/and extension, or you don't:
Some names with „.com“, or with „.mobi“ just look darn good. I am not sure, about if a name looks better, if it has „.tel“ instead of a country extension, etc., but it sure will feel darn good.

So that is where .tel will have to be good at: At providing a great feeling and experience.

As we all know: „.com“ stand for „commerce“, and „.mobi“ stands for „mobile device, or mobil phone“. But „.tel“?...: Can you go to your telephone, and use „.tel“? However, „.tel“ means „telecommunications“. But if there would be a person having no clue about the meaning of „.com“ he could think as well, that „.com“ meant „telecommunications“. Why not? Or should it be more like „.comm“ for „communications“? - Commerce, as well as communications start both with "com", and "com" could therefore also stand for (tele)communications, if it had not been promoted for the cause of (e-)commerce.

Anyway: „.tel“ might confuse some people with its extension, because they might not be able to figure out, for what „.tel“ is supposed to stand for.

It might be easier for them, if they get a chance to look at a .tel page.

You could even go so far, and say: Well, if you wan't to put it right, according to common sense, than „.mobi“ should look like the dot tel domain. Because „mobi“ stands for mobile and telecommunication.

Imagine, if „.tel“ had only its extension to offer, like „.mobi“...: People would have to develope a mobile version of their website, and change their „.com“ extension for a „.tel“ extension.
This might have even worked better than with the extension „.mobi“ (if .mobi was .tel, and .tel was .mobi).
- If the extension ".mobi" hadn't been already taken by a other registry, would of possibly Telnic chosen that extension for its interface, that was designed mainly for mobile purpose? Would that of made more sense, having the mobile and electronic business card named "", instead of ""?

However, I think it is just important, that users know, for what „.mobi“ and „.tel“ stand for, and how they can be used in the most efficient way. So that it will then be up to them, to decide, if they could benefit from such a extension/domain, or not.

As we concluded: „.com“ or „.tel“ could quasi stand for anything (communications or telefon, etc.).
The strength of the „.mobi“ name might just be, that people are most likely to easily figure out, that the domain name with such a extension is for mobile devices. Maybe even soon, for smartbooks (smaller mini laptops, that are smaller than netbooks).

Why is „.tel“ not better named ".tele", or „.teleco“, or „.telecom“ (dot tele, or dot teleco, or dot telecom)? - Would there be less confusion? Is „.tel“ confusing?
„.Tel“ probably will mean nothing to the user, until he gets his hands on .tel, and realizes, how awsome this „.tel“ is.

With the registries themselfs, it is also a case fo "first com, first serve" (served by ICANN), because the extension ".com", as well as ".mobi" would of been perfect for the electronic business card that Telnic had launched a year ago. However, as soon as a extension is properly branded and marketed, it will work, no matter, if the extension makes sense, or not, for its cause and usage (see the dot com domain, after a period of twenty five years). Because ".com" could mean this, or that, or also that. Who thinks, every time he uses a ".com" that it means "commerce"? - The only thing they know, is that they can do business with that domain, and that it is not a non-profit website, like you can find under a domain name with the extension ".info", ".museum", etc.
So, what is the message?:
We got to get people to know, for what the domain name extension ".tel" stands for, and they might want to take a look at it. Otherwhise they might say: "Why bother and do "try and error", and possible waste some time? After all: Isn't it ".mobi", that is for mobile phones? Is there something else, as well?" - Tell the world...
But seriously, folks: The DotMobi registry and Telnic better make some sort of a deal..., becaus the one registry has the name, and the other one has great functions and features, and will have the looks (very soon).

It is not the first time, that two important companies have merged together, to be more successful, in hard economic times, and in a market with a lot of competition, etc. - All those mobile phone users, and the potential ones to come: We don't want to confuse them, but we want to give them something, that they can use, and that is easy to get and to use.

Merry Christmas!

Samstag, 5. Dezember 2009

Using money: I conclude.

From what I understand today about our monetary system is, that in every handling with money, and in every money transfer, there is a portion of corruption and fraud.
Because our monetary system is only vialable with corruption and the monetary system as fraudulent system as such.
You can try hard, to work without fraudsters, but at the end, you might understand, that you can only earn money, if there are fraudsters involved. For example, people who charge very high fees, commission, etc, for their services.
Companies like PayPal, who just freeze your account and steal your money, if the amount exeeds like $2000. And it is this same company that always charges exorbitant fees, for doing basically and quasi nothing (automaisised online money transfers).
If you need money, you will always have to deal with fraudsters, crooks and white collar criminals.
That is the sad truth, and a fact.
And if you are a domainer, you might still have to deal with the company SnapNames, to be able to sell a few of your domains, because all the other's, like Sedo, etc., are not much better, as they probable just cover up their insider shill bidding methods with untransparency and anonymity.


Geh nicht hin, wo die Dummheit regiert, denn die Dummheit ist der Feind des Lebens. Sie zerstört alles, was sie kann.
Die Dummheit sei zu bekämpfen. Und die Dummen seien zu entwaffnen und zu entmachten. Die Dummheit ist der Feind allen intelligenten Lebens.
Die Dummheit zielt nicht auf Nachhaltigkeit ab, sondern auf kurzfristige Erfolge, mit Sinnflutartigen Folgeschäden. Die Dummen sind gefährlich. Meide sie, oder bekämpfe sie. Oder, wenn sie lernwillig sind: Biete ihnen Bildung an.
Dein Mitmensch ist Dein grösstes Problem, und der grösste Chaot und Problemhaufen, und Problemverursacher. Dein Mitmensch, steht Dir im Wege. Dein Mitmensch verursacht Dir Probleme und Beschwerden. Dein Mitmensch vergiftet Dich. Dein Mitmensch bringt Dich ins Grab.
Dein Mitmensch hat nicht gelernt, in einer Gemeinschaft zu leben. Sondern nur ein Rädchen in unserem monitären System zu sein, der Geld empfängt und weiterreicht.
Wie war das mit dem Verkauf der Airbus-Aktien?: Die Insider wussten, dass durch den Verkauf, Jemand anderer zu Schaden kommen würde, und für sie der Verlust des Anderen, eben ihr Gewinn bedeutet, da Geld Geld bleibt, aber Wertpapiere praktisch wertlos werden können: Wer will denn schon finanziell Verlust erleiden? Insiderwissen im Börsenhandel ist doch strafbar: Nicht aber für die Mächtigsten, mit den besten Kontakten. Gerade die, die Grechtigkeit predigen, sind ungerecht. Alles nur Sauerau, Schweinerei: Endlich durchschaut?
Beim Verkauf solcher faulen Wertpapiere, wird ein absehbarer und voraussichtlicher Verlust weiter gegeben, an einen ahnungslosen Käufer, der noch nichts von seinem Unglück weiss. Also, man sollte doch stutzig werden, wenn plötzlich alle ihre Aktien abstossen, beziehungseise, verkaufen (wollen). Nur keine übereiligen Käufe tätigen. Sich erstmal über die Lage ein Bild verschaffen. Aber die Insider werden Dich natürlich anlügen. Notfalls auch Deine Bank, falls ein Interessenkonflikt besteht. Am Ende, hat Keiner Etwas gewusst. Ist ja klar. Es gibt viele solche Geschichten, und alle beginnen und enden gleich.
Traue weder einer Bank, noch einem Börsenhändler, noch einem Anlageberater. Niemand ist vertrauenswürdig. Alle haben es nur auf den Profit agesehen, ohne Rücksicht auf Andere. Im monitären System, ist der Verlust des Einen, der Gewinn des Anderen, vereinfacht ausgedrückt. Es gibt Minusguthaben (Schulden, Hypotheken, Kredite, etc.) die ständig umher zirkulieren, und die aber nicht mit Kapital gedeckt sind. Fliesst kein Geld nach, zur vorübergehenden Deckung eines Minusguthabens, so bekommt Jemand ein Problem. Aber so lange Geld immer im Fluss ist, sind Minusguthaben theoretisch gedeckt, aber nur so lange Geld im Umlauf ist, und zirkuliert. Es gibt immer mehr Schulden als Guthaben. Schulden sind gefährlich, weil man plötzlich in die Situation kommen könnte, keine Geld nachschiessen zu können (Abzahlungen, etc.). Das monitäre System ist immer im Ungleichgewicht, und es droht ständig eine Rezession, Inflation, etc.
Gerade duch das zurückbehalten von Geld, Ausgaben, und dem Horten von Geld, machen es die Menschen nur viel schlimmer, weil dann Geld erst recht ins Stocken gerät, und im Fluss behindert ist. Ungedeckte Schulden, werden dann reale Schulden, und es fehlt an Kapital, dass im Fluss ist, und eine vorübergehend Deckung von Schulden ermöglichen würde. Es ist wie eine Pokerspiel, und im Grunde genommen, ein betrügerisches System, das nicht mit der Achtung von Menschen und deren Würde zu tun hat, sonder im Gegenteil, nur durch Kriege, Hunger und Tod genährt und aufrecht erhalten werden kann.
Durch künstliche Erzeugung von Mangel, weill man dann nähmlich die Preise erhöhen kann (Umsatz und höherer Gewinn). Auf der Strecke bleiben die Schwachen, Armen und Wehrlosen. Die zu Rechtslosen in einem rechtsfreien Raum werden (Krieg, Kriegsverbrechen).
Und bei alledem, macht die UNO schön mit, weil sie grösstenteils korrupt ist. Ebenso die Weltbank. Und beide sind von der amerikanischen Regierung gesteuert und kontrolliert, die eben auch korrupt sind.
Also bauen alle die Gewinne dieser Systeme und Stukuren auf dem Leid und den Verlusten der Anderen auf.
Das war aber zu George Washingtons Zeiten noch nicht so. Auch nicht zu Abraham Lincolns Zeiten. Einige Finanzbetrüger an der WallStreet haben dann die Kunst des Schreibtischbetruges bis zum Extrem kultiviert. Und einer mit Namen Madoff, glaubte, er sei auch einer der Untouchables (der Unberührbaren), bis sein Kartenhaus zusammenbrach.
Mit Steuergeldern wurden alle gestürzten und gestrauchelten Banken und Finanzakrobaten wieder auf ihre Füsse gestellt. Und nun wirtschaften sie gleich, wie vorher, und bedienen sich vielleicht noch eines grünen Labels, etc.
Die Welt krabbelt wohlmöglich langsam aus der Finanzkrise, aber das Finazsystem bleibt korrupt und anfällig für das nächste und noch viel grössere Disaster. Was der Glaube and das Gute erhält, ist immer der Selbstbetrug, bis man auch noch von Anderen betrogen wird.
Verlierer sind immer Steuerzahler mit geringem Einkommen, und die Drittweltländer, etc.

.TEL - Eine innovative Nutzung der DNS


Freitag, 4. Dezember 2009

At the time “A Christmas Carol” was written..., and about Charles Dickens.

photograph of Charles Dickens c. 1852


At the time “A Christmas Carol” was written, Dickens feared for his own future. He had six children to feed, a large house in London to maintain and a lavish lifestyle. Christmas was approaching. Yet the work he was then producing, a few chapters at a time, “Martin Chuzzlewit,’’ was not selling as well as earlier installments of “The Pickwick Papers” or “Nicholas Nickleby.” Bitterly, he confided to a friend that his bank account was bare.

“He did make money but not as much as he thought he would,’’ said Professor Slater, the author of “Charles Dickens: A Life Defined by Writing,” a new biography for Yale University Press.

Conjuring up what he described as a “Ghost of an Idea,” about a rich man’s conversion from heel to hero, he got to work. The 6,000 copies printed up in time for Christmas sold out. But because the author had splurged on hand-colored drawings in red and green ink by John Leech, one of England’s leading illustrators, the project was a financial bust.

Fortunately for Dickens, his quickie book went on to become a literary classic. So his Christmases Future were far better than his Christmases Past.

Looking over the Shoulder of the Creator of “A Christmas Carol”:

Charles Dickens left behind one, and only one, manuscript for “A Christmas Carol,” the tale he wrote in 1843 of an unfeeling rich man and the boy who pricked his conscience. Kept under lock-and-key for much of the year at the Morgan Library and Museum, the manuscript is not widely available, one reason, perhaps, why it has been all but impossible to track the many revisions Dickens made to the manuscript as he struggled to get his story right. A high-resolution copy of the manuscript's 66 pages, which you can examine below, may finally change that.

By clicking on the "T" or the page icon on the left, you can toggle between the hand-written and typed versions of each page. (Photographs by Earl Wilson/New York Times.) Click here to return to related article.

There, you can also find a link to the full related article, where you can also read the highly interesting reader comments.

(Source: The New York Times)