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QR-Codes win mostly

QR-Codes win, mostly.
Align Centre


Weinwerbung .Tel

Weinwerbung .Tel
Das Auge trinkt mit Wer Wein kauft, lässt sich von seinen Sinnen lenken. Aber überraschend viele Kaufentscheidungen hängen nicht vom Geschmack und vom Duft, sondern von der Optik ab.

Triest Transport


Great concept of campaign with QR code and iPhone application.

What's your Dot Tel QR-Code?

Dot Tel: You don’t have to be a geek to make it work.

Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2009

The lovely "Love Train" video...

Probably the most interesting thing, about domain extensions, are the activities of the supporting communities of the domain extensions.
It basically does not matter, how your domain extension looks like, for it to be successful:
What depends and matters, is how it is promoted.
Follow the history of .com, and you will understand, how and why it got strong and popular.
You can follow the history of promotion and forum-support of any domain extension, and you might be able to discover parallels of smart endeavours, time (-line) and success. (Only love, provided by a fan community, is not enough, to make a domain extension succesfull. See .mobi, for example. It is viable, respectively still alive, because of the love it gets, but to be able to be sucessful, it will need some more support, by the powerful companies, that are supposed to be backing it up. And so, same with .tel...)
Basically, it is always common sense, that saves you, a project, or anything in progress that happen to be in a awkward situation.

What counts, are costly and smart pomoting, time and common sense, that must always be used.
The non usage of common sense and brains, it the death to anything.
The non usage of money, won't help promote, because promoting costs.
The cultivation of plein stupidity may be bad, in times, may be good in other times, because people are sometimes stupid, and trained by media and advertising, not to think, but only to consume, what is offered. The language of stupidity is a language, mankind has learned over the years, and understands. Whatever way you are able to make your self understood: You can earn money, if people understand, what you are selling.

The mixture, of intelligence, stupidity, sex, common sense, etc., is what sells.
Try to sell a perfect and usefull product, only by explaining how it functions, and for it is good: Consumers are not used, only to get dry facts served. They are spoiled, and used to get a daily dosis of adverts, that contain sex, crazyness, stunning effects, etc., and where they do not have to think, but only consume.

And now, here you are with the dot tel domain, in our world today: How are you going to sell it?
The „Love Train“ was popular, because it is funny and sexy, and only explained a minimum of the technology, idea, and features about .tel.
If you will, the „Love Train“ is a promotion video for dummies, that just want a good lough, and some sexual stimulation. Well, the „Love Train“ did the trick, and worked for a short while, and only for a few.
But who are the consumers of .tel?...: All sorts of people and groups. Speak to them (and about their needs and dreams) individually. Make ten completly different videos, addressed to ten different groups of consumers...
Here is the code for implementing the (premium qualitiy version of the) video within your blog (however, it is still a stunner and a eye catcher, and nevertheless, a lot of fun):
(Just copy and paste...):


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