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QR-Codes win mostly

QR-Codes win, mostly.
Align Centre


Weinwerbung .Tel

Weinwerbung .Tel
Das Auge trinkt mit Wer Wein kauft, lässt sich von seinen Sinnen lenken. Aber überraschend viele Kaufentscheidungen hängen nicht vom Geschmack und vom Duft, sondern von der Optik ab.

Triest Transport


Great concept of campaign with QR code and iPhone application.

What's your Dot Tel QR-Code?

Dot Tel: You don’t have to be a geek to make it work.

Montag, 30. August 2010

Why dottel?: Reach me, the exact me you were looking for!

If I had a nickel for every time I've missed an opportunity to get to know a good looking woman on a train because my email is hard to spell or my phone number is too long and random to remember, like the situation in this video, I'd be only slightly richer at this point in my life. In all seriousness though, there is real value in controlling your online identity and providing one easy to remember/shortened mechanism for people to interact with the data that you want them to interact with online. This is the entire premise behind the .tel top-level-domain (TLD) available to everyone via Telnic. A little background as to why this is significant for me. You see the unfortunate thing is this; I have a doppelgänger that lives in South Dakota. I'm quite positive he's not my evil twin however when it comes to sorting out our identities on the Internet things get a little confusing. The "other" Brent Kastner looks similar, likes technology, is a photographer, and loves to waterski. All similar activities that one could mistake for my activities. He also owns; how that happened I'll never know. This is precisely what I like about .tel. With .tel I can assemble all of the stuff that is "mine" into one page about me along with my picture, bio, interests, and contact info. This in turn will get picked up and indexed by search engines; hopefully above his. Check and Mate other Brent Kastner; we meet again!

Some details about my experience with it:

In the span of about an hour yesterday I set up for my personal contact information and ramblings and for my professional contact information and business affiliations. I registered my domains with and used the .tel profile management tool to add relevant information about me into each domain. Just like creating a regular domain on the Internet I did still need to wait about 24 hours before the DNS changes propagated to DNS servers in my area, but as of this morning it's all up and running fine.

The above is cool, no question about it. What really blew my hair back about this though was the seamless integration of my domain with google apps! In about another 30 minutes I have mail, chat, voice, docs, and calendaring (to name a few apps) for me and up to 50 people that want a address... For FREE! For me, this takes the capabilities of the .tel concept to the next level of cool. Now I can confidently use a google voice phone number (that isn't my actual cell phone number) as my "global" contact me phone number. I can screen calls, emails, chats, etc all through my .tel email account hosted on google without fear of exposing myself to unwanted spam, cold calls, etc.

Now, the next time I'm on a train I can confidently give for my contact info. She'll be totally impressed! I think I'll order some business cards, plain white, with just on it. Think of this for a moment. Introductions can now be part intro, part research project :).

My wishlist for additional capabilities:

1.) I think it would be great to have a twitter widget that links with my account on my .tel page subject to the same privacy profiling that .tel does so well now. I'd like to show in real-time whats happening in my world as I update it.
2.) It would be awesome if friending features could be integrated with friending in say LinkedIn, Facebook, Ning networks, etc? I'd really appreciate an integrated friends management approach vs. having to maintain a new separate list of friends.
3.) I'd like people without .tel accounts to request to see my information. See point 2, even telfriends is a bit weak in this regard.
4.) I'd like to be able to hang a blog off of, create html content, or do other basic website related stuff here. Envision a day when I don't need any personal site at all, just the stuff contained here.
5.) I'd like to be able to "share" articles, websites, documents, anything available on the web via ShareThis, AddThis, or other sharing platforms directly to my .tel page

~Brent Kastner


Business cards with Dot Tel name:

Latest business cards with dot tel name arrived from Nice quality and service, as usual.



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