Custom design codes, for your mobile marketing: Contact the designer, at

QR-Codes win mostly

QR-Codes win, mostly.
Align Centre


Weinwerbung .Tel

Weinwerbung .Tel
Das Auge trinkt mit Wer Wein kauft, lässt sich von seinen Sinnen lenken. Aber überraschend viele Kaufentscheidungen hängen nicht vom Geschmack und vom Duft, sondern von der Optik ab.

Triest Transport


Great concept of campaign with QR code and iPhone application.

What's your Dot Tel QR-Code?

Dot Tel: You don’t have to be a geek to make it work.

Samstag, 31. Oktober 2009

- Alexander Schiesser MacLeod - Neue Männer braucht das Land.

Kriminalität ist das Nebenprodukt unseres Finanzsystems.
Selbstmörder sind Opfer unseres Finanzsystems.
Verhungerte sind Opfer unsers Finanzsystems.
Kriegstote sind Opfer unseres Finanzsystems.
Krieg und Kriegsschaden, als Folge unseres Finanzsystems.
Korruption, Bilanzfälschungen und Verschuldung der Bevölkerung, als Motor unseres Finanzsystems.
Ein Mensch sollte sich im Rahmen der bestehenden Gegebenheiten zurechtfinden können. Doch wird er nicht richtig aufgeklärt. Und überall lauern Stolperfallen.
Der Mensch ist denkfähig, nur stelle ich leider fest, dass der Mensch selten denkt. Das Denken, muss auch erst erlernt sein.
Um Menschen glücklich zu machen, brauche ich nicht mal Politiker zu sein: Das kann ich auch als Unternehmer machen.
Bildungseinrichtungen sind erst dann von grossem Nutzen, wenn Sie die Bevölkerung anleiten, eigene Autos, Häuser, Windanlagen zu bauen.
Es sollte wieder in Richtung Selbstversorgung gehen.
Es sei die Diktatur unseres Finanzsystems abzuschaffen, und ein freieres, humaneres System zu schaffen.
Nächstenliebe, soll nicht nur gepredigt werden, sondern auch gelebt.
Wir können übermorgen, Kriminalität, Polizei und Gefängnisse um die Hälfte reduzieren. Und Menschen integrieren, anstatt einsperren.
Mensch, werde menschlich!
- Alexander Schiesser MacLeod - Neue Männer braucht das Land.


Es scheint mir doch noch erwähnenswert, dass:

Die Domain "" bei Sedo geparkt war, ohne offenbar Angebote erhalten zu haben.

Dass die Domain dennoch einen Käufer fand, und dieser einen guten Preis dafür zahlte, beruht auf der Tatsache, dass die Domain "aus der Stille" und Unbemerktheit heraus fand, indem sie direkt an einer richtigen Domain Auktion in Amerika teilnahm / angeboten wurde.

Bei Sedo, kam die betreffende Domain offenbar nicht auf einen "grünen Zweig", denn die Sedo-Bestimmungen sehen vor, dass eine Domain, falls sie nicht für die "Premium Auktion" auserwählt wurde, zuerest ein Angebot erhalten muss, damit sie zur "Markt Auktion" zugelassen wird.
Und dies war offenbar nicht der Fall. Und so war die Domain parkiert, quasi auf einer "Einbahnstrasse".

Fakt ist, dass die Domain via einer amerikanischen Life-Auktion einen Käufer fand.

Siehe die Ergebnisliste von Moniker, die eine Auktion abhielt, neben der Auktion von Rick Latona:

Domaining zahlt sich aus: Aber nur für kreative Leute.

Die momentane Wirtschaftssituation in Amerika

Zitat (übersetzt von Alexander Schiesser):
Amerika steuert einer unaufhaltbaren wirtschftlichen Depression und einem Konjunkturtief entgegen.

Der pivate Sektor versucht den Verschuldungsgrad zu reduzieren.

Ersparnisse, Geldanlagen, sowie institutionelle Geld-Funds vermindern sich, und gehen zurück.

Die Arbeitslosigkeit erreicht ein historisches Hoch, und es sind keine Arbeitstellen vorhanden.

Die öffentliche Seite:
Das Zentralbanksystem der Vereingten Staaten ("Federa Reserve System" (FED)) druckt neues Geld.

Das Bruttoinlandprodukt (BIP oder GDP)
(GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government spending + (exports − imports))
basiert auf Geld ausgeben und Stimulus für die Schaffung neuer Arbeitsstellen, entspricht den Ersparnissen aus den Stellenstreichungen, jedoch fehlt gleichzeitig ein Teil der Produktivität: Woraus sich ergibt, dass das BIP steigt, bei einem zunehmenden Sparverhalten.

Und zu guter Letzt, besteht ein gigantischer Bilanzierungs- und Rechnungswesens-Betrug an der WallStreet, sowie bei der Regierung.

Dies kann nicht mehr allzulange so weiter gehen:
Das Vertrauen in den Dollar ist am Ende / auf dem Tiefststand.

Die momentanen Gegebenheiten werden bald zusammenbrechen / einstürzen, und die meisten Amerikaner werden eine Revolution gutheissen.

Und wenn dies geschieht, haben die ausländischen Gläubiger schon längst das "Dollar-Spielfeld" verlassen.

(Quelle: )

Freitag, 30. Oktober 2009 for sale for sale: $9'000,00.

Requests at:

Non-Profit Is Better Than Profit

Basically, economy should be: "My work, for your work".
The closer we get to that principle, the better off we are.
It could be: 10% of my work, for 10% of your work.
In fact: No need to make a profit.

Why do we have to make profit? - Oh, yes, of course: To be able to pay interest.

No loans, and no dept: No need to make a profit.

Basically, the whole world could live and work for non profit.

Because people are often not able to pay back their depts, a non-profit model, would be better.

Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2009

Zeitgeist II - Money System Slavery

Semjase | MySpace-Videos

Special November Offer: Free Directory Entry For The First Request

Mr. Greytel sais:

Offer till end of November:

Every first directory entry at telcommerce, for a dot tel domain name, is free (worth $250).

Choose your tel domain name for a directory entry today.

The directory consists out of 16 pages: "Select Directory / 01-16"
See left hand side, scrawl down, to the blog list.

Contact: Alexander Schiesser,

Aged Cigars @ directory entries and adverts

Aged Cigars
Cigar Aging
Well Kept Cigars
How to Age Cigars the Proper Way
Aged Cigars Are Better
How to Properly Age A Cigar
Non-Free: Add Your Cigar Shop!
Aging Cigars

Das MacLeod 25000 Euro Haus Projekt

Es beginnt nun die Ausarbeitung eines Projektes:

Selbstbau-Häuser aus recycled Materialien für 25000 Euro,

Es soll ein Musterhaus in Hohentengen a.H., oder in Genf enstehen.

Das Projekt ist Sozial, und bis auf Weiteres, ein Non-Profit Projekt.

Mehr zum Projekt, zu gegebener Zeit.
Es dürfen sich gerne Private, Behörden und Firmen melden, für eine Zusammenarbeit.

Alexander Schiesser MacLeod

Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2009

Milchmädchen-Rechnung eines Domainers

Rechnungs-Szenario 1:

15000 für die Registrierung von Domains
15000 Rückbehalt, für die Erneuerung der Domains
(Nicht getan / not done)
(Nicht getan: Aber das wäre die totale Sicherheit gewesen...)


Rechnungs-Szenario 2:

30000 für die Registrierung von Domains
0 Rückbehalt
(Getan / done)
Notwendig: Verkauf von bestehenden Domains im Wert von 30000, zwecks Deckung der bevorstehenden Domain-Erneuerungskosten.

(Verkaufpreis pro Domain: 300)
Anzahl Domains: 100

Also seien 100 Domains zum Preis von je 300 Euro anzubieten.

Oder Besser:

Rechnungs-Szenario 3:

50 Domains zum Preis von 300 Euro = 15000
Plus 20 Domains zum Preis von 600 Euro = 12000
plus 10 Domains zum Preis von 900 Euro = 9000 Euro

(Hierbei hätte man sogar eine Reserve von 6000 Euro geschaffen.)

Es wird das Szenario 3 als Model genommen, und umgesetzt.
Der Sinn eines Domain-Portfolios sollte es wohl sein, vollkommen selbsttragend zu sein (das heisst, dass es sich selbst finanziert, aus eigenen Erträgen).
Nur,ist dies gleich zu Anfang etwas schmerzhaft, und Verlustreich.
Besser wäre natürlich, eine Fremdfinanierung, für die erste Runde der Domainerneuerung (aus einem anderen "Topf", aber von Vorteil, ein eigener Topf, sodass keine Schulden anfallen).

Ich muss wohl 100 Domains selectionieren, für den Verkauf: Nicht allzu schlimm, bei einem Volumen von 2300 Domains...
In Notfall, kann ich weitere 100 Domains "nachschiessen".
Es sollen nun drei Verkaufslisten entstehen:

300er Liste
600er Liste
900er Liste

Hilfsmittel, für die Selektion:
Der Dreiteilige Desktop:

Ebenfalls, entstehen, soll:
- Verkaufsliste Sedo
- Auktionsliste Moniker

Zwar hört man nun wieder Berichte über Rekordgewinne von Banken, doch sollte dies uns später nicht vergessen lassen, wie verwundbar und anfällig für Krisen unser monitäres System ist.
Und dass sich die Krisen / Rezessionen solange immer wieder wiederholen werden, wie unser monitäres System in der derzeitigen Form besteht.

Und überhaupt: Wenn dem so ist, dass das Wertpapiergeschäft angeblich floriert, so dürfte es für den Domainhandel auch nicht allzuschlecht aussehen...

Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009

Beteiligungen an Domain-Groups: Sie können sich beteiligen:

Projekt Idee:

Finanzielle Beteiligungen an Domain-Groups:

Was ist eine Domain-Group?:

Beteiligungen werden versteigert, zum Beispiel bei eBay.

Der Registrant sucht Mitglieder.
Die Verwaltung obliegt ?

Ziel und Zweck:
Das Geld dient zur Erhaltung der Domain-Group (Domain-Erneuerungen/Erneurerungen der Registrierung/Renewal Fees).
Sowie zum Ausbau der in der Group enthaltenen Webseiten.

Das Group-Mitglied ist an den Erfolgen und Gewinnen der Group beteiligt, und erhält ende Jahr eine Gewinnausschüttung, änlich wie bei Aktien, sobald die Group rentabel ist.

Samstag, 24. Oktober 2009

Use your imagination

Colorado Gives Tesla Buyers $42,000 Tax Break

Fewer than a dozen Colorado residents this year will drive home a Tesla Roadster, the pioneering electric sports car.
Those lucky few will hit another jackpot in the form of a $42,083 tax credit, the equivalent of a 39 percent discount on the $109,000 Roadster.
But the offer expires at the end of the year.
Tesla is set to open a "gallery" (not a showroom) in Boulder this weekend, but most of the available Roadsters for this year already have been sold. The company produced just 1,000 of the cars worldwide this year.
Joe Powers, Tesla's Northeastern regional sales manager, in town to promote the brand in advance of the gallery opening, said the substantial tax credit will do more good in raising awareness about the electric car that still delivers high performance than in attracting buyers.
"For us, it's just about highlighting the fact that the car is out there and available," Powers said.
That said, there still are a few cars available for delivery between now and the end of the year. The amount of the tax credit is based on a percentage of the difference between the alternative fuel vehicle and a comparable, gas-burning vehicle. In the case of the Tesla, that's the $47,000 British-made Lotus Elise.
Mark Couch, a spokesman for the Colorado Department of Revenue, said the tax credit was created in 2000 to provide incentives for people to purchase the more expensive hybrid versions of standard cars. At that time, high-end hybrid and electric cars weren't on the market.
In recent years, luxury cars have started to show up on the list of eligible vehicles, and when the same formula is applied to these upscale vehicles, their owners end up with whopping tax credits -- $42,083 for the Tesla and $20,000 for a Lexus LSS 600h Hybrid.
The state Legislature this year put a $6,000 cap on the tax credit, which will go into effect in 2010. The vast majority of hybrid cars fall underneath that limit, and the credit available to those buyers won't change.
And future Tesla buyers won't exactly be left high and dry.
When coupled with a $7,500 federal tax credit for plug-in electric vehicles that takes effect Jan. 1, they still get a $13,500 credit.
Contact Camera Staff Writer Erica Meltzer at 303-473-1355 or

Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2009

Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2009

'Christmas' in October for Ethanol

Renewed life in the ethanol industry is drawing the attention of Chicago Board of Trade traders and analysts, giving the corn market a boost. Ethanol producers, which spent much of the past couple of years operating in the red, lately have been enjoying wide profit margins, and as a result have been seeking more corn and ramping up production.

Just last week, with energy prices advancing, ethanol processing margins jumped to a dollar a bushel, almost doubling what they were the previous week, said Rich Feltes, vice president of research for MF Global. "They have every incentive to get their hands on every bushel of corn, and run these plants 24/seven, and push out as much ethanol as they can, pay down their debt," Mr. Feltes said. "This is Christmas time for ethanol plants."....


Montag, 19. Oktober 2009

About the groups, that will use dot tel domains: A approach in creating dot tel directories

Adressing to different groups, and diversification of mainstream user groups.

The "Small Business To Consumer Model"

My focus is on:

-------small businesses
--------------------------suppliers (small businesses)
------------------------------------------------------- distributers (small businesses)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- consumers

You can build up different models, such as:

- over 65
- unemployed (integration programs)
- scholars
- students
- part time workers
- budget food
- budget non food
- budget travel
- budget educaton
- small budget offers
- value for money offers

According to lifestile, social status, habits and routines, wealth, preferences, interests, etc.
The genocide of the German nation destroyed "80% of all German cities with more than 100.000 inhabitants”. The air forces of the Allied war criminals dropped "40.000 tons of bombs in 1942, 120.000 tons in 1943, 650.000 tons in 1944 and another 500.000 tons in the four last months of the war in 1945” (Die Welt, 11 February 1995, page G1).

Google traffic is like spam

One of the biggest myths in blogging today is that Google traffic is vital. Google traffic is not only non-vital but expensive too. The problem is that Google traffic is like an addictive drug and once hooked it is very hard to get free.

Google traffic is like spam!

Google traffic, even at it's best, is very low quality. The higher the rate of traffic, I suspect, the lower the quality. In my post "How to Scientifically Identify Your Best Traffic Sources" the numeric analysis of traffic to showed a very low Quality Index (QI) for Google traffic.

In exposing this fact two things happened.

1. I was largely ignored. After all clearly Google is "too big to fail" and "the daddy" so this Matt fellow must be off his rocker. Right?

2. I was attacked by those that couldn't grasp the enormaty of what I was saying. Surely, they argued that some terms cost $3 a click tells you something? It tells me that Google is monitising the lazy and the stupid most effectively.

For many bloggers the pie chart of traffic sources would show Google as somewhere between a third and four fifths of all traffic. Using an example I showed that the conversion per hundred for organic Google traffic was an estimate 0.28 people. Yet a well written squidoo lens might expect to see 7.36 people per hundred "converting" (buying, clicking, signing up, commenting or whatever you are set up to ask visitors for).

Why is this?

The number one thing that SEO advocates never tell you is that ranking first for a keyword is going to bring you unfocused traffic. Sure you might get 300 to 400 extra visitors for your effort but that only amounts to a single extra lead.

What most people tell you is the shear volume of traffic that you might get from Google. Google is, after all, a broker for people who don't know what they want or can't find it. So when Google sends you visitors they are not looking for you, they are not necessarily looking for what you offer and they are not-at-all ready to carry out an action for you.

You do, however, get a lot of them. This feels like success. After all, the more people you can get the better... right?

This is the principle of spamming. Send out enough emails, fake trackbacks, fake comments, fake referrals or fake wiki content and you are going to get clicks. Get enough clicks and you will get people to buy.

We have been conditioned to apply this approach to search engine rankings. Optimise to rank for this keyword with so many thousand searches and your top ranking will get you the lions share of that traffic.

Here is a question: what makes you think that those searchers are actually going to be interested in your page? After all the chances are that it was written for Google with people as a secondary consideration.

This huge volume of traffic is, despite it's size, no more profitable than the far smaller slices of the pie - interactions of Twitter where you spent time building up a relationship or clicks through from your profile on some social media site.

Therefore the cost to action ratio in terms of server resources and bandwidth are unprofitable.

It is a myth that success comes through getting a good Google ranking. Those not too blind to see it will do significantly better than those who cannot or will not open their eyes tot he fact that Google is like crack for your stats - it makes them feel good but it burns out your bandwidth and server resources to do so.

In the coming weeks I am going to be looking at the idea of sacking Google (and Yahoo and the rest) and by doing so increasing the quality of traffic. The only metric that matters is the number of successful outcomes your site enjoys each day be that sales, comments or subscribers. All the rest is smoke and mirrors.


Sonntag, 18. Oktober 2009

Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2009

Are you ready for .Telcommerce ?

Why another extension? Don't we have enough?
This extension is designed mainly for wireless connection devices like mobile phones, blackberries, the iphone and many others. It is lightweight, designed for small screens, and it is a repository for persona, business, city info. It is the "white and yellow pages" of the internet. For example, you're in your car in Cranston and want to call your daughter at Cranston High East, but you forgot the darn number. You could open up a browser and search for it in google. That would work after a bit of clicking and browsing. Then you could write the number down , then call it. But if you want to save time s go to and click thru to the page, see the number and click it. It's set up to auto dial the number. Very handy and time saving.

Welcome to Lanett, Alabama & Adams Station Farms (click here, for more info)

More videos:

Peugeot BB1 : un concept car dans la ville (cliquez ici, pour savoir plus...)

Telcommerce: Your Partner. Reasons To Be Happy.

Click on the title above, to watch sexy .tel video.

Telcommerce, the .Tel-Directory: Best value for money. Only happy clients.

Click on the title above, to watch sexy .tel video.

Telcommerce...: Do you wish to be found in the best .Tel-Directory?

Click on the title above, to watch sexy .tel video.

Shake it!:

Easy access to dot mobi: Click here, to learn more about.

Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2009

How user will find Dot Mobi with a little help from Dot Tel

Dot mobi has received big support from a newcomer: From the dot tel domain.

A direct and smooth way to get access to mobile content: From .tel to .mobi, respectively, via .tel.

Dear reader,
Here, I am showing you two simple szenarios "click2domain: from .tel to .mobi".
One way is quasi indirect. And the other way is direct.

If the "Contact Us" page of the .net domain is a "Contact Us" .tel page, it is easy to get acces to other related websites and .tel pages of the same owner, or just, whatever links are displayed on that page. If you have a .mobi, and want it to be found, then a dot tel domain comes nice and handy for you and your (potential) clients: Another way, to benefit from having a dot tel domain...
With this shown domain constellation, I recommend that you replace your existing contact website page, by building in the "Contact Us" page, that you can retrieve from your .tel domain.
On your website, you are then able to modify a few things, of your "Contact Us" .tel page: Such as, choosing a other color than the .tel default color, for the icons. For example, blue, instead of the orange.
In this case, you are benefitting from .tel technology, but have less restrictions, than with the main .tel domain: You have more freedom and flexibility to modify and to customise.

If you would be staying on your smart phone, or mobile phone, and you wouldn't know the .mobi domain name by heart, you would most likely go to the dot tel domain, and from there, click on the dot mobi website link.
Otherwhise,if you would be staying on your laptop, or PC, you would probably access the dot tel domain a second time, when you are on your smart phone, or mobile phone, and from there, click on the dot mobi website link, as it would make more sense, to look at a .mobi website, from there.
Anyway: it will be always good, if people see your "Contact Us" .tel page on your website, because your contact details are very easy to use, simply by clicking on the links.
Before, one had to fetch a paper and pen, and write the phone number or website link, or email address down, or copy and paste it on a document, and then print it out.
I guess, that if you are on your mobil phone, and you are lucky, you could search for the company, and directly get the companies "Contact Us" .tel page, or .tel domain, and then just click on whatever link you want to select. What will be more likely to show up, are .tel domain names, and mobi domain names, as well, probably. But I admit, that I have no idea, how to use a serach engine, on a mobile phone. I guess, that if you have internet access, via (free) WiFi, for example, you can use Google, just like from any laptop, or PC.
However: Sometimes, you happen to "stumble over" a dot tel domain, and that way, get to know about the existing .mobi website, that you might want to look at, on your iPhone, for example.
This is mainly, why I brought the szenario with the .net domain, included within the constellation of domains. I noticed, that I got a bit lost and confused, here, as I realised, that this example is probably not that smart, as I thought, at first. And then, I quasi tried to justify this szenario, by adding some better arguements, and further thoughts and comments.

But let us now go over, to the second szenario, which seems to be the way, that most people are likely to go, as it can be done "mobile only", without a laptop, or PC.
Even, if you mistakenly would click on the main website link, you could be lucky, and get redirected to a existing .mobi website.

If your .tel has a .mobi link displayed, your .mobi can be found directly via .tel. This way, you would be quasi bypassing your website (non .mobi website) to reach your .mobi. Or if you happen to mistakenly click on the main website link, you might get redirected to the existing .mobi website, if you are lucky. But just to make it clear: as you do know, of course, also here: you do need to have a ordinary, main website. But you don't have to visit it, if already .tel gives you the information, that you have a .mobi website, and offers it's website link, at the same time.

Nowadays, since the dot mobi registry is providing "INSTANTMOBILIZER" via some member-registrars, it is very easy, to have a website on a smart phone or mobile phone, or any handheld device.
You don't have to configure your .mobi website: it gets automatically configured, with any website data, you provide. And looks good, too.
So: why not give it a shot, with "INSTANTMOBILIZER", and see your website very soon on the iPhone, for example.

These shown two domain constellations, are no-brainers, when it comes to getting access to a .mobi website. Whereas, if you only have a ordinary website, plus a .mobi website, without any other useful additon, such as for example, a dot tel domain, your .mobi website can quasi only be found, if the user knows the .mobi domain name. That is one of the reasons, why dot mobi websites are not a "big runner / hit", till now. But things might change, as people are getting innovative and creative, and the cost of using a mobil phone, or smart phone is constantly sinking. As soon as using the mobile phone gets really cheap, you better be ready, for the "take off" of the dot mobi domain. And that will be pretty soon, as it looks like...

In the past, the question was often: "for what do I need a .mobi?" Or: "Why is .mobi not more successful?" Or, people think, that the dot mobi domain has already failed, etc.:
That is one of the main reasons, why I wrote this article. And to show and highlighten, that dot mobi has received big support from a newcomer: From the dot tel domain.

Some domainers express their opinion, stating, that the one, as well as the other of both mentioned "exotic" domains, have "failed":
Fact is, though, that they are both working and interacting nicely together. Like brother and sister. Like a nice team. A direct and smooth way to get access to mobile content: From .tel to .mobi, respectively, via .tel.

Tips to design your site for mobile devices:


Using Emulators for .Tel Development? Say "Yes" to Emulators!

About Emulators:

Hardware, software or a combination of the two that enables a computer to act like another computer and run applications written for that computer. In the past, it was often a hardware add-on that actually contained an instruction execution module for the emulated computer. Today, "emulator" more often refers to software, which provides a translation layer from the emulated computer to the computer it is running in. The emulator may translate machine language, calls to the operating system or both. Contrast with simulator. See x86 emulator, terminal emulation, Wine, 3270 emulator, disk emulator, FX 32, ROM emulator, ICE, Mac emulator and Virtual PC for Mac.

Fur further reading, about "Emulator", simply go to:

Google’s information is a mess

"Google’s information is “a train wreck: a mish-mash wrapped in a muddle wrapped in a mess”. “


Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2009

.Tel and Mindmapping (simply click here, to learn more about)

Experiment: .Tel-Visual.

Hier ensteht ein Versuch, mit Hilfe von Mindmapping, alle Aktivitäten rund um die Dot-Tel-Domain zu unterstützen, zu verbessern, zu vereinfachen, oder sogar erst zu ermöglichen.


- Darstellung von "mein Telproxy"

- Darstellung von SEO (Verbindungen)

- Komplexe Vorgänge (Verlinkungen und/oder nur SEO)

Hier ein einaches Beispiel, einer Darstellung einer Domain-Konstellation, bei der die .Tel-Domain quasi die Hauptrolle spielt:

Das Mind Map von eignet sich gut, um zum Beispiel eine Domain-Konstellation (Teil eines Portfolios) zu visualisiern.

Es kann auch dargestellt werden, wie SEO ensteht, und wo, und wie Strukturen und Verbindungen sind.

Das Mindmap von "FreeMind" ist auch gut, aber weniger einfach zu bedienen, etc.

Die Anwenduung eines solchen Mindmaps kann natürlich kein "TEL-MACHINE" ersetzen.

Das Minmap soll nur das, was wir im Kopf haben, unterstützen, und helfen zu visulisiere. Auch kann das Mindmap dazu dienen, zum Nachschlagen, Nachsehen, oder als ergänzendes "Kontroll-Tool" zu TEL-MACHINE.

Damit man seine Domain-Verwaltung besser im Griff hat.
Das Mindmap kann man je nach individuellen bedürfnissen benutzten: Für ganz einfache Vorgänge und Darstellungen,oder für komplexe und schwer überschaubare Verwaltungen von Domains.
Alles in Allem: Dies soll nur eine ganz kleine Anregung sein, für Leute mit grösseren Domain-Ambitionen.
- Oder nur, um .Tel in allen seinen Facetten, Möglichkeiten, etc., zu verstehen.

Das Experiment/der Versuch, soll nur ein Ansatz sein.
Und es geht darum, die am Besten geigneten Mindmaps zu finden, und Erfahrung damit zu sammeln. Und eventuell auch Beispiele zu zeigen, "wie's gemacht werden kann, ohne viel Zeit zu verlieren", aber viel Zeit zu gewinnen.

Und hier kommt nun die Praxis:
Würde man in einem kleinen .Tel-Portfolio einige Links einzeichnen, welche besonders effectiv für SEO sind, sowohl auch helfen, schneller und besser gefunden zu werden, würde man schnell erkennen, wo die Stärken und Schwächen einer Strategie liegen. Und was noch zu verbessern wäre.
Wenn man so will, geht es darum, Strategien zu visualisieren, sowie eine gute Gesammtübersicht über sein Domain-Portfolion zu erhalten, inklusive aller Domain-Verlinkungen.
Es geht aber auch darum, Funktionen zu visualisieren, und zu verstehen.

Man könnte somit eine einzige .Tel-Domain optimieren.
Sowie Fehler analysieren, und zukünftige strategische Fehler vermeiden.

Samstag, 10. Oktober 2009

The Dot Tel Girl Laura Haddock : More Pics...

BTW: When is Laura asking me out, for a "tea at the Riz"?... - Don't think twice, and only click once.

Comming (possibly) soon:
Win a afternoon at the Riz, with ".Tel Girl" Laura Haddock. Exclusively, for .tel owners, only.

Freitag, 9. Oktober 2009

Snowboarders like dots, but can they manage the dot tel business? Henry?...

Telidon™ was inspired by the noisy, old dot matrix printers of the 1970s and 80s. While printing the latest monthly sales figures, chances were pretty good you were looking at something like Telidon. Designed by Ray Larabie.

Peppy is promoting the dot tel domain, Peppy is vey excited about his .tel domain name, and says:

Hi this is Peppy: I like to do things real fast!! That's why I got my .tel domain name !

The greatest thing in Mobile is getting your .tel domain name!!

I'm Peppy!

I do things really fast! I call friends and businesses FAST using their .tel name.

I put my .tel site online in 5 minutes, now people contact me all the time!

Whats your .tel name?

Peppy goes mobile! Everyone can find me anywhere with my .tel name.

Dial a name not a number!

I can add or delete friends, and find them easily later.

This is my own mobile directory, so i can keep all of my friends phone numbers and addresses here if I want!

I can make them private too!

What is your .tel name?

Peppy the Porpoise goes Mobile from the Porpoise on Vimeo.

Peppy talks about the dot tel domain (watch video: click here)

The ONE-US initiative shows you by using "ONE" .tel name as your "single point of contact" is the future of communications.

* Easily Publish your Profile or Business Profile in minutes online with your .tel name. No website or programming needed!
* One click to Call, Email, or see your Twitter, Facebook or Status updates.
* Quickly Update your Status and contact info on the go.
* Your Privacy is built in!

By Educating and Partnering with Communities and Businesses in the United States the ONE-US initiative will distribute One Million digital .tel names by 2011. So... what's your status? What is your .tel?

Peppy the Porpoise is a fun example of how this technology works.
Go to now to see what he is doing!

Top 7 Ways To Improve Your Business Telephone Skills

1. Do NOT lie. When you say: "can you just wait a second", you are not telling the truth. Begin with honesty.

2. ALWAYS Ask if the person will hold, and wait for a response before slamming them on hold.

3. Do not let them hold for more than 60 seconds ever.

4. Get yourself a book or video series from your local library. There are many great vidoes on the telephone doctor, and other programs which help you identify and improve your telephone skills.

5. SIT UP. Does the person on the other end think you are a marshmellow or a leader? 55% of communication is physiology, and trust me, they can hear if your body is slumped or sitting upright.

6. If you promise to call someone back, LIVE UP TO THE PROMISE.

7. 35% of influence in communication is how you manipulate the tonality of your voice. Add a little passion behind your voice, and you will quickly be better than 97% of everyone else who is in a trance behind the phone.

This Piece Was Submitted By Entrepreneur, Author, Business Builder and Email/Web/Internet Strategist, Christopher M. Knight.


Guide to Improving Your Telephone Manners

The way you answer the phone sends a strong message to callers

The first – or only – contact a potential customer may have with your organization is a phone call. If things go badly, that expensive advertising campaign on which you've worked so hard could be nothing but wasted money and energy.

Good telephone etiquette goes beyond saying "please" and "thank you." It includes not leaving callers on hold too long, forwarding callers to other employees gracefully, and using polite, friendly greetings and closings. To impress callers with your organization's good phone manners, you and your business's employees should:

1. Have the equipment you need to handle your call load,
2. Have a prepared script that includes a proper greeting,
3. Handle incoming calls and returning calls promptly and helpfully.

Action Steps
The best contacts and resources to help you get it done

Use technology to help you field incoming calls politely
Nobody likes to be put on hold over and over. A message that grabs incoming calls, lets the caller know that they're next in line, places them on hold, and keeps them entertained can help you provide interruption-free service and move more quickly from caller to caller.

I recommend: Easy On Hold offers on-hold messages recorded by professional voice talent and minidisk, CD or MP3 equipment to use with your existing phone system.

Train for phone manners
Hiring a consultant for a live session or showing an etiquette video can help reinforce good phone manners office-wide.

I recommend: The Phone Coach offers video and live training on using the phone politely and effectively.

Reinforce training with reminders
Keep phone etiquette top of mind for your customer service staff.

I recommend: The Manners That Sell Business Etiquette ezine sends helpful information on business manners via email monthly for free.

Tips & Tactics
Helpful advice for making the most of this Guide

* Don't let callers wait on hold for more than two minutes without at least giving them the option of leaving a message and receiving a call back.
* Smile when you answer the phone. It automatically makes your voice sound brighter and friendlier.
* Greetings should include the name of your business, the name of the person answering the phone and something friendly like "Good morning" or "How can I help you?"
* Take thorough, accurate messages – and make sure they're returned promptly.


The tel dot communication and social network: Find your best .tel-strategy!

Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2009

Mainstream would use .Tel, if...

About (

* Telpages:

The .tel registry will also publish "Telpages", a searchable directory service of information stored in .tel domain names. People can search this for your company name, or for keywords and descriptive text listed in your .tel domain name. The information you store in your .tel domain is automatically used in the Telpages. Leading search engines like Google and Yahoo will index .tel names.

The keywords used in your .tel name can include hobbies, job title, occupation and this is indexed by "Telpages" along with your location. When people visit your .tel page, the links can generate an immediate contact. So, if someone clicks on a link to your email address, their machine will open an email program so the user can send you an email, if they click on a VOIP link a call will be initiated, and so on.

What are the advantages of a .tel domain name?

The .tel integrates better than the other domain names as it stores all information on the world wide Domain Name System. This works on devices such as iPhone, Outlook, Blackberry and Windows effortlessly. Help keep all your information stored and centrally managed from one location for every device. Easy.

What are the advantages of a .tel domain name?

* use your company name or brand as your communications hub
* integrate all your electronic applications and devices into one accessible system
* become accessible from any device connected to the internet, especially mobile devices and phones
* update your contact and information and keywords in real time
* route your customers to the the appropriate department and locations
* store keywords that are index by leading search engines such as google
* use innovative technology that does not require you to design or host a website
* the only real-time global directory system with an entry that remains under your control
* connecting people and businesses

If you are a business or an entrepreneur and are looking to reach new contacts, this would be the domain name for you.

The whole world is .telling: and what about you?...

"Yeah, sure: What's your .TEL, sweetheart?..."
"Ok: that's simple and straight foreward. See you later!"
(...Good client. Valued customer. No timewaster.)

.Tel Visions

Ok: And what now?: Where is "telpages", and the eye candy? Where are the mainstream users? How about some action? Roll up your sleeves, Telnic!

Still looks pretty boring... - Any time for change?:

You know: I get the impression, that the people from Telnic are just a bunch of "do it yourself people", not working with professionals. From promo to design: No big go...
However, they seem to be proud, of their input, but there is no big output..., because mainstream is not responding...These looks, just do not apeal to the mainstream. And they find it quite limited, just to be able to "click and call" their onw .tel domain name...

.Tel The World Where You Are.

.tel is the future of how we stay in touch.
It is your single point of contact Forever.

Blogs And Videos From .Tel Users: Nikki's Blog/Video (With .Tel Comments)


About the dot tel domain:

Hello China, hello .Tel !

Learn more:

The Telnic Team with Nadya and the Twitter Bird...:

Below, left, you can also see the "Telnic Goddies Bag"...,
And it looks nice and full, and promising.
Only: It is high time, for some new features to be integrated...

Wishful thinking, is saying, that you only need tech, but no eye candy. But the truth is, that you do need eye candy, and it better look sexy, too.

Tutti Frutti:

...dangling fruits...of Paradise...-no silicon inside: wanna have a milk shake?